The light mist (or is it smog?) in the morning also adds to the beauty of the city, making it seem a little enchanted, like a city in the clouds. Architectural trends so far include:
- tiling the sidewalk directly outside your shop and no further, so that as someone walks down one block they step on many different colors and tectures.
- depressing the level of the floor of the shop about three feet below street level, so that customers open your door and take a couple steps to get the ground. I imagine this regulates tempurature in the store, but I haven't asked.
- having glass doors, even glass walls. At my dorm, the ground level seems very open even though the space is divided into different rooms because some of the walls are made of sheets of glass or have glass sections. It would look pretty ritzy if our grubby fingerprints weren't all over them.
- Because of the climate, buildings can be more open, so some places have no doors at all, or leave them perpetually open. Even if you can't go in, you can peek in.
- This one's not really an architectural trait, but compact fluorescent bulbs are all over the place here. They're a hippy thing in the US, but according to the wikipedia article on CFLs, they're quite a big deal internationally, particularly in big cities like Cairo where their low energy draw eases the strain on the power plants here (and where people are out and about at all hours of the night, and not just to go to mosque).
The population is in the vicinity of 17 million people, and the metropolitan area covers about 25 square miles, or so I read today. Because of this, it's difficult to regulate certain things like traffic (lanes are painted on the road, but ignored because you can fit 5 cars abreast if you ignore the fact that three lanes are painted on the road). I think this happens in other areas too, but traffic is the most obvious.
I'm doing well. I'm trying to drink a lot of bottled water--which you can find here for what I think bottled what should be sold for in the US at 0.25USD (or 1.5LE) for a half liter. I brush my teeth with the tap water. I eat Egyptian food at every opportunity, and my stomach has been shockingly strong. I haven't been sick at all , which I'm so grateful for. I've realized that my Arabic is nearly non-existant, and I'm not upset about it. I've been told that if I take a colloquial class, I'll get it easily. Many people selling food know relevant English words like "Spicy?" and "Two pounds," and I'll try to ask as often as I can "bilarabia?" to get them to tell me the word for whatever they said in Arabic. So far I've learned the words for spicy, change, fare, water, and cat. I excell at one word sentences. I travel almost exclusively in groups of other American students, which has many advantages. It helps my social life, but it also more socially acceptable to the residents here. I feel like I'm getting looks when I walk alone, although there's no way not to get looks. Also, the American students are all really excited about getting to know the neighborhood and learning about new places, whereas the Egyptian students who I've talked to already know the neighborhood and prefer to get delivery (everywhere delivers) and eat in the comfort of the dorm, even if the place they're getting food from is literally around the corner. I think the Egyptian students like foreign food, just like the American students do, but foreign for them includes McDonalds, and foreign for us is Egyptian food.
The dorm looks like a palace on the outside, and upstairs from the lobby on the residence floors, it is simple but complete in what it offers. I carry soap with me to the bathroom because there are the Islamic toilets here, where you clean yourself with water from a small hose or pipe, and not toilet paper apparently.
I feel like a wimp wearing a warm jacket here since it's the Middle East, but I've pulled out the sweaters because it is brisk outside and in, like early spring. I wear a hoody outside once it gets dark, which exposes me as even more of an American, but is necessary, along with gloves.
My roommate is not here yet, but should arrive by the end of the week. I am excited to meet her, and to describe academic life to you guys as soon as it starts. Pictures to come soon as well.