Friday, February 15, 2008

Pictures from first 2 weeks!

Okay, so I've been trying to figure out how to best do this picture thing, and since Google apparently has thought of everything that I could ever possibly want to do with the internet, I am using Google's Picasa to put a slideshow of my pictures on the blog. This is the first time I've done this, but my understanding is that you can make my "helpful" comments go away (by hovering over the slideshow with your mouse and then clicking the little green box in the lower left hand corner) and you can click on a picture as it goes by (or pause the slideshow and then click on it) to see it bigger. And without the caption covering the picture. Here goes nothing.

I haven't had the camera out too much, but here are pictures of the neighborhood where my dorm is. The campus is a little ways away, a 5 to 45 minutes drive in the university shuttle bus from the dorm depending on traffic, which should give you an idea of what traffic's like here.

Pictures of campus! Yay!


Anonymous said...

Very pretty, miss Laura Cathey. You should take more pictures of your friends and yourself, though ;).

Anonymous said...


moperson said...

oh man its like l0lcat material HQ so you really are in Egypt?

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.